For this week’s assignment, you will first identify a specific instructional tec

For this week’s assignment, you will first identify a specific instructional technology, tool, or product that you would like to implement on a large scale at your institution (either in your current employment organization or an environment in which you can envision yourself working in the future). Based on this week’s readings, develop a questionnaire (minimum of 10 survey items) that seeks to gather data on potential users of the technology. Consider the Technology Readiness Scale (Rose & Fogarty, 2010) as an example of this type of user questionnaire as well as gauging teacher apprehension about using new technology.
Then, compose a 500-word rationale that explains how the questionnaire will help inform the decision to adopt the technology. In particular, describe how the participant’s responses can be interpreted; what is the minimum score that is needed to ensure readiness for the product and why?
Length: One questionnaire (minimum of 10 survey items); One 500-word written rationale.
References: Include a minimum of 3 scholarly resources.
The completed assignment should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. The content should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards and should adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy.
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