Shadow Experience Reflection In complete sentences complete the following reflec

Shadow Experience Reflection
In complete sentences complete the following reflection from your Shadow Experience.
1. What unit did you shadow during this experience?
2. Describe a summary of your day within 8-10 complete sentences.
3. What did you learn during this experience be detailed in thought?
4. Would this be a unit that would interest you in the future? Why or why not. What credentials would you need for this role? How would these credentials be obtained?
5. What went well? What could have gone better?
6. How will this experience help you in future clinical experiences?
7. If you could redo this experience, what is one thing that would help you prepare for this experience?
8. How did the nurse exhibit teamwork during this experience? Describe how the nurse you shadowed communicated with the team, was this effective, why or why not.
9. Describe the role in the nurse you shadowed.
10. If you could shadow another unit which unit would interest you (a unit in which we are not scheduled to shadow during this clinical experience).
I went to the operating room
Operations that I attended
exploratory laparotomy possible sigmoid ectomy and ostomy.
excision of left buttock

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