1.Overview Young children and their social and emotional development are influen

Young children and their social and emotional development are influenced by many factors. For example, cultural stereotypes of males and females are broad expectations of behavior that are called gender roles. This is a cluster of traits and behaviors that are considered stereotypical of females and males. For this discussion, you are going to explore the various influences on young children.
In your initial post, answer the discussion question in 200-300 words. Include supporting evidence from the chapter readings, articles, and resources when creating your initial post and responding to your peers. Connect your answer with examples from your own observations and thoughts to demonstrate understanding of the material.
Discussion Prompt
How does environment (language, toys, safety, structure, media, values, parental involvement, and parenting styles) influence the well-being of young children’s social and emotional development?
2.Discussion Prompts
What factors can impact learning in middle childhood?
Please consider cognitive factors (e.g. ADHD and learning disabilities), as well as physical, social, and emotional factors that may have an influence, either positive or negative, on learning. 2023 Discussion Board Rubric
2023 Discussion Board RubricCriteriaRatingsPts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDemonstration of Knowledge, Understanding and Application of Content in Initial Post15 ptsOutstandingAnswers all discussion questions and prompts with pertinent information demonstrating critical thinking and thorough understanding of course content. Post exceeds 200 words in length.12 ptsGoodAnswers all discussion questions. Missing detailed information on 1 prompts or required elements. Post exceeds 200 words in length.10 ptsProficientAnswers all discussion questions. Some answers are superficial without clear evidence of critical thinking and understanding of content. Lacks detailed information and missing 2 prompts or required elements. Initial post below 200 words but exceeds 150 words.6 ptsNeeds ImprovementBriefly answers all questions but some responses are not correct and/or do not demonstrate understanding of course content. Missing 3+ prompts or majority of required elements. Post does not exceed 150 words0 ptsUnacceptableNo discussion board post/no submission.
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCritical Thinking and Substance of Peer Responses10 ptsOutstandingProvides 2 response posts to peers that demonstrate critical thinking and directly addresses the original post. The post demonstrates extension of the original post, an alternative point of view to foster further discussion or reference/resources to support their response. Post exceeds 100 words in length.8 ptsGoodProvides 2 response posts to peers that directly address the original post. One post is not substantive (not extending knowledge of the original post, an alternative point of view or resources to support response). Post exceeds 100 words in length.6 ptsProficient1 or 2 response posts are submitted but they could be more substantive or offer little insight to further discussion or a repeat of information already posted without adding further information showing critical thinking. May include responses like “I agree” or “good point” with some supporting evidence but not thoroughly written. Response post below 100 words but exceeds 50 words.4 ptsNeeds ImprovementResponse posts “I agree” or “good point”, or a repeat of information already posted without adding further information showing critical thinking. Student responds to a maximum of 1 peer. Response post does not exceed 50 words0 ptsUnacceptableNo response posts. Student does not respond to any peers.
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAcademic Language/Grammar/Composition5 ptsOutstandingExcellent use and control of language. Posts and Responses are clearly written and understandable. No misspelled words or typographical errors Citation provided if reference/author cited in posts. APA formatting of reference is used expertly with no errors. Includes (as required for specific courses) minimum of 1 peer-reviewed reference and minimum of 1 reference published within the last 5 years.4 ptsGoodGood use and control of language. Minor errors (< 2) such as misspelled words, typographical errors or sentence structure issues. APA formatting of references is used with 1-2 errors. Includes (as required for specific courses) maximum of 1 peer-reviewed reference and maximum of 1 reference published within the last 5 years.3 ptsProficientAverage use and control of language. Some (3-5) errors in post. APA formatting of references is used with 3-4 errors. Includes (as required for specific courses) maximum of 1 peer-reviewed reference. References are published >5 years ago.2 ptsNeeds ImprovementNeeds improvement. Below average use and control of language. Significant errors (>5) such as misspelled words, typographical errors or sentence structure issues. APA formatting of references is used with 5+ errors. Does not include (as required for specific courses) 1 peer-reviewed reference. References are published >5 years ago.0 ptsUnacceptableSentences are incoherent and/or improperly structured. Post has multiple typographical errors, misspelled words, which do not reflect appropriate level of writing. APA formatting of references are not used and/or references not included.
5 pts
Total Points: 30

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