Introduction The assigned case study is from Chapter 10, Case #4. Case analyses

The assigned case study is from Chapter 10, Case #4. Case analyses are expected to show critical thinking and be adequately supported with at least three (3) correctly cited references and in-text citations to support your thoughts.
The Case should include a synopsis of the issue at hand and an analysis of what should happen next for the particular situation. Each paper will be written using APA format and be at least 1- 2 double-spaced pages (not including cover sheet, references, etc.).
Case Study: Lonchyna enlisted in the U.S. Air Force while he was still a minor. Three times he applied for and received educational delays that put off the beginning of his tour of duty. The last time, he claimed he could void the contract, since he’d entered into it when he was a minor. Was Lonchyna correct? Explain. Lonchyna v. Brown, Secretary of Defense. 491 F. Supp. 1352 (N.D. IL).

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