(Acceptance, Tolerance, Individuality, Self-Determination, and Confidentiality W

(Acceptance, Tolerance, Individuality, Self-Determination, and Confidentiality
Write a paper (2+ pages) about the Values in HMS. Exact questions to address are listed below the requirements.
APA Format (see APA explained tab in Blackboard – excellent PowerPoint and video!)
2+ full page paper – do not just answer each individual question as a bullet point. This needs to be in essay format. The essay piece will be 2+ pages of written work. The title, abstract, and work cited pages are separate.
Paper will be submitted on Blackboard
MicroSoft Word. Attach within this assignment.
12 font, Times New Roman
1 inch margins
Double space
APA format, including a Work Cited at the end. You can use the Ethical Code(s) links that I provided in Blackboard as references.
In Chapter 2, we study the Values of the Human Service Profession (Acceptance, Tolerance, Individuality, Self-Determination, and Confidentiality. Address the following questions within your paper. Use your STEP 1: Brainstorming assignment as your outline.
Imagine you are now a fully licensed Social Worker/Counselor/Therapist. You were taught to uphold all these values…but a very wise professor (ahem…Wechter…ahem) warned you that it is not always easy to put these into practice. Answer the following as if you were in a professional setting. Here is what the paper will look like:
Title Page (APA Style)
Abstract (APA Style)
Introductory Paragraph…what are you going to be discussing? Write your paper assuming that I am clueluess 🙂
One paragraph about using the value of ACCEPTANCE in a professional setting. Talk about the meaning of ACCEPTANCE in the context of HMS and talk about a time it might be difficult for you to show this value to a client/clients/situation.
One paragraph about using the value of TOLERANCE in a professional setting. Talk about the meaning of TOLERANCE in the context of HMS and talk about a time it might be difficult for you to show this value to a client/clients/situation.
One paragraph about using the value of INDIVIDUALITY in a professional setting. Talk about the meaning of INDIVIDUALITY in the context of HMS and talk about a time it might be difficult for you to show this value to a client/clients/situation.
One paragraph about using the value of SELF-DETERMINATION in a professional setting. Talk about the meaning of SELF-DETERMINATION in the context of HMS and talk about a time it might be difficult for you to show this value to a client/clients/situation.
One paragraph about using the value of CONFIDENTIALITY in a professional setting. Talk about the meaning of CONFIDENTIALITY in the context of HMS and talk about a time it might be difficult for you to show this value to a client/clients/situation.
One-Two Paragraphs: Now, look at two of the examples you gave about the values (Paragraphs 4-8). Using the Ethical Code links in Blackboard, research two situations. Do any of the Ethical Codes (Human Services, American Counseling Association, and/or Social Work) help guide you? For instance, when you talked about having difficulty with Confidentiality…look that up! What does the ethical code say about confidentiality? Does that help you with the situation you talked about?
Summary of the paper
Work Cited: You need at least 2 references for this paper. (APA Style)

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