Your Policy Analysis Project will be completed in six parts throughout this cour

Your Policy Analysis Project will be completed in six parts throughout this course. It is intended
to allow you to apply your analytical skills in assessing and evaluating education policies for
effectiveness. You will select a contemporary educational policy issue and conduct an analysis in
incremental parts. Each part will build upon the others.
For this second part of the Policy Analysis Project series of assignments, you will continue
writing your policy analysis report using the Eightfold Path to assemble some evidence. You will
provide your client with quantitative data evidence that the chosen topic is worth investigating.
Using the same Policy Analysis Project Template file used for the previous assignment
(incorporating any needed changes identified in your instructor’s feedback), complete the
Evidence or Pre-Existing Policies section for your selected topic. You will also add the sources
used for this section in the Sources Consulted or Recommended section.
1. Review the Eightfold Path manual and Chapter 4 of your Weimer and Vining (2017)
2. In the Evidence or Pre-Existing Policies section of the template, compose a well-written
quantitative statement of at least 500 words that provides evidence that your problem is
indeed an issue worth studying. The presentation of accumulated evidence can be
overwhelming for the reader; therefore, organize your quantitative data into three
subsections of evidence (e.g., IPEDS, journal article data, professional news sources) or
pre-existing policies. Provide a thorough explanation for each.
Your writing style and formatting must follow the Preface example in the Weimer and
Vining (2017) textbook and Appendix A in the Bardach and Patashnik (2020) textbook.
This section of the report requires significant data and data analysis. The best practice is
to use benchmarking and comparative analysis against the national, regional, state, or
competitor data.
3. Sources Consulted or Recommended: This section is essentially an annotated
bibliography if the decision maker has the interest and time to read up on a specific
source. You will add your sources and annotations to this template section for each part
of the project you complete. For this part of the project, at least two authoritative sources
(and their corresponding annotations) are required to support your claims and
conclusions. (Note: The final written report for this project requires at least three sources
used must be scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles published within the last five
years.) For each source, list the reference entry according to current APA formatting and
provide a 2-3-sentence description and evaluation.
Complete each section of the template using single-line spacing. All other formatting, including,
but not limited to, source in-text citations and references, must follow current APA formatting
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.
Please see attached Part one of assignment and make corrections using instructor notes.

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