Objective: To introduce students to the regulatory complexities connected to pri

Objective: To introduce students to the regulatory complexities connected to privacy/defamation and behavior.
Objective: To introduce students to the regulatory complexities connected to internet rights to privacy and behavior.
Instructions: For this assignment, you will research and analyze the complexities involved in the Bollea v. Gawker Media case and write a news story for a hypothetical news blog that summarizes major developments from the initial incident and then analyzes the case. In other words pretend you are a digital journalist who specializes in media matters.
Step 1 – Scan Nexis Uni * or Google. Google Scholar or Lexis for information about Bollea v. Gawker Media.
Step 2 – Find out what kind of mass media law(s) were involved in the case.
Step 3 – Take notes on the facts of the case.
Step 4 – Take notes on the issue(s) raised in the case.
Step 5 – Take notes on the arguments made and the evidence used by the plaintiff(s) and defendant(s).
Step 6 – Take notes on any extrinsic factors that led to the alleged misconduct or controversial material.
Step 7 – Take notes on the case’s disposition (ruling, holding, rationale, and outcome). How was the case ultimately resolved? Hint: think about defenses Gawker might have had like opinion or fair comment…or “newsworthiness”… and whether they applied.
Step 8 – Analyze your notes and make connections to cases and information in our weekly learning resources (and any help from Food for Thought gives you) that you can use in your explanation of case.
Step 9 – Write a 2 page, single-spaced news story that highlights how the case was resolved and summarizes, analyzes its developments.
Start the story with the most important aspects of the developments in the case.
Stay focused on facts in your summary.
Use what you have learned about defamation (if it was what the case turned on or not), hint: it really wasn’t) ,and privacy laws to explain arguments made in the case.
Attribute any directly quoted material to its source like you would in a published news story, i.e., Gawker Media’s lawyers argued… Use accompanying in-text citations at your discretion.
Analyze the developments in the context of what you have learned about defamation and privacy to the extent you can as you pretend to be an online legal journalist
For help with the basic structure of your news story, see:
Creating a News Report
How to Write News Stories
Step 10 – List the sources of your material in an APA-style end-of-text reference list.
For help creating APA-style in-text citations, see the library’s guide at In-Text Citations – APA 7th Edition Citation Examples – LibGuides at University of Maryland Global Campus
For help writing APA-style end-of-text references, see the library’s guide at General Rules – APA 7th Edition Citation Examples – LibGuides at University of Maryland Global Campus
For help with legal citations to any cases that you mention, see the Introduction to Basic Legal Citation in our Research & Writing Resources.
For help crafting signal phrases to introduce quoted, paraphrased, or summarized material from your sources, see The Writing Center | Signal Phrases | Guides
For comprehensive help with your writing and citing, start with the library’s guides at Writing and Citing – Get Help – LibGuides at the University of Maryland Global Campus
Use this assignment’s grading rubric as a guide for completing your assignment.

Posted in Law

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