Twilight Care Homes (TCH), is an organisation which has multiple care homes for

Twilight Care Homes (TCH), is an organisation which has multiple care homes for
elderly residents across the country. These residents are mainly independent but
benefit from living in a socially interactive environment as well as having the
worries of household chores, for example, cooking and cleaning, alleviated.
TCH have had problems in the past recruiting individuals who can support and
interact with a diverse range of residents. They are currently looking to employ
staff who they can rely on to provide the residents with the care they need. The
organisation is now considering using psychometric assessments as part of their
recruitment process. With your knowledge of personality and intelligence theories
as well as psychometric testing, TCH have approached you to provide a specific
report, which focuses on the theoretical underpinnings of the personality and
intelligence criteria they are seeking. They have also requested that one
psychometric scale for personality and one psychometric scale for intelligence is
In terms of personality, TCH are very sure of the traits and behaviours they would
not like to see in a potential carer but have had difficulty in spotting these in
previous employees. Therefore, they would like to understand the theories behind
the more maladaptive characteristics, with a recommendation of a psychometric
scale which can measure these. This would enable them to exclude these
applicants from the recruitment process. In terms of intelligence, TCH are
specifically looking for individuals who are able to understand and respond to the
emotional requirements of the residents as well as regulate and be aware of their
own emotions in all workplace situations they may encounter

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