Review the vignette on Jorge (in the attached document), “Jorge Case Study.” Wri

Review the vignette on Jorge (in the attached document), “Jorge Case Study.” Write a paper in 840 words addressing the following: Based on this vignette and in alignment with the current DSM diagnostic codes:
< 1) Identify the best diagnosis for Jorge. Share specific elements of the case study that helped you form this diagnosis. < 2) Based on Jorge’s case history and presentation, describe what symptoms is he experiencing, and why these symptoms are considered dysfunctional (pathological). < 3) Consider cultural factors using the sociocultural psychological model (school of thought) and explain how factors within this model play a role in the development of Jorge’s symptoms. < 4) Identify the causes of, and treatment options for substance related disorders. < 5) Develop a treatment plan for Jorge. < Use the GCU Library databases and include two to three peer-reviewed, scholarly sources from the GCU library to support your claims. In addition to the scholarly resources from the library, you can include past classroom materials, your textbook, and credible internet-based sources (.org, .edu, .mil, .gov). < Textbook citation: Abnormal Psychology < Comer, R. J., & Comer, J. S. (2021). Abnormal psychology (11th ed.). Worth Publishers. ISBN: 9781319190729 < ** All resources used should be in-text cited and listed in proper APA format with links to locate articles to verify the information used.**

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