Discussion :Can you think of a crime or any other criminal justice phenomenon th

Discussion :Can you think of a crime or any other criminal justice phenomenon that the media has constructed/shaped in a way that is far from reality. Do not be shy to be creative! Do not plagarize this should be written from your perspective. No quotes No references.
Question 1 (0.75 points)
Question 1 options:The army, the FBI, private military contractors, and terrorist cells are all examples of ________ organizations.
Question 2 (0.75 points)
Question 2 options:________ leads one side in a dispute to overestimate its capacity to achieve its political goals through military pressure, which heightens the risk for war.
Question 3 (2.475 points)

Two states have convened with their respective strategists to discuss a diplomatic crisis between the states. Both states are aware of the other’s military power. The states also have an accurate assessment of their adversary’s resolve and their desired political outcome relating to the crisis. This situation is an example of ________ and will likely lead to ________.
Question 3 options:
complete information, a compromise
private information, war
credible information, war
costly information, a compromise
Question 4 (2.475 points)

Greater ________ can activate grievances against the state, trigger political demands for secession, and heighten the risk for civil war.
Question 4 options:
geographic variety
ethnic diversity
GDP per capita
political freedom
Question 5 (2.475 points)

A state has been actively attempting to build a nuclear weapons program. The state leader has suggested that they will use the weapons to protect their empire. However, the leader has launched unprovoked attacks against weaker states in the past. Other states form a coalition and declare war on the state. Their goal is to weaken the state and dismantle its nuclear program. This is an example of a(n) ________ war.
Question 5 options:
Question 6 (0.75 points)
Question 6 options:The principal military goals of a(n) ________ war are focused on destroying an enemy’s coercive organization and territorial control.
Question 7 (2.475 points)

During negotiations, ________ reflect(s) what either side can gain or lose by leaving the table and trying to impose a settlement on the other with military force.
Question 7 options:
bargaining costs
the outside option
the peace dividend
private information
Question 8 (2.475 points)

Anders and his family fled overseas after a decades-long civil war tore apart his home country. Every month, Anders collects money from his family and sends it home to aid guerrilla fighters attempting to tear down the current government. Anders is most likely part of a(n) ________ network.
Question 8 options:
Question 9 (1.5 points)

The bargaining model of war assumes that any war depends on the absence of a supranational organization.
Question 9 options:True
Question 10 (2.475 points)

Which of the following would be most suitable for providing an estimate of the sizable economic costs of a war?
Question 10 options:
an analysis of sunk costs owed to allies after the war
a review of the expected utility resulting from the war
a comparison of GDP at the start and end of the war
an evaluation of audience costs incurred during the war
Question 11 (2.475 points)

Citizens in a state want to topple the authoritarian government that currently leads the state. The citizens lack the military resources to fight a conventional war. However, they have decided to launch small, coordinated attacks on unprotected targets to build political support for their movement. This scenario can be best described as a(n) ________ war.
Question 11 options:
Question 12 (2.475 points)

Public health clinics and hospitals in a small state became overrun during an extended military conflict with another state. The clinics and hospitals have had to turn away many patients, and infectious diseases have been rapidly spreading throughout the state. This situation can be best described as a(n) ________
Question 12 options:
human cost of war.
war of attrition.
ethnic cleansing.
Question 13 (2.475 points)

A news outlet has asked a retired military analyst to provide her insight into a situation involving two states that appear to be headed for war. She starts by comparing the strength of each country’s military forces, including their access to newer warfare technology and the quantities of soldiers, planes, and missiles. This comparison can also be described as a(n) ________
Question 13 options:
expected utility summary.
resolve analysis.
distribution of military capabilities.
private information review.
Question 14 (2.475 points)

A(n) ________ war occurs when an organized, insurgent group uses military force against the coercive organization supporting the state, in an attempt to overthrow the government and create a new, independent state.
Question 14 options:
Question 15 (2.475 points)

A state has been in a protracted trade dispute with another state. One of the states has threatened war. Moreover, to illustrate its willingness to follow through, its leaders approved a significant tax increase to help fund a new military fighter jet program. This scenario can be best described as an example of ________
Question 15 options:
complete information.
sunk cost signals.
audience costs.
Question 16 (1.5 points)

Just War Theory holds that it is acceptable to launch attacks against civilians during certain forms of war
Question 16 options:True
Question 17 (2.475 points)

As it pertains to the bargaining model of war, ________ represent(s) judgments that parties have about the distribution of military capabilities between them or the interests held by all parties
Question 17 options:
Question 18 (0.75 points)
Question 18 options:The execution of a military threat through the movement of a large number of troops and military vehicles to a border during a dispute is an example of a(n) ________.
Question 19 (2.475 points)

Which of the following best describes a war of attrition?
Question 19 options:
A state uses a draft to build its forces before declaring war against an adversary.
A state continues a war, hoping its military forces and civilian population can outlast the adversary in an extended conflict.
A state that is facing war engages mercenaries to supplement their forces overseas.
A state fights alongside an international organization to destroy a dictatorship.
Question 20 (2.475 points)

A state estimates that it can gain over $100 billion in mineral resources by seizing a portion of a border state. The top military strategist predicts their chance of victory to be 60 percent. State economists estimate that the costs associated with the war will be nearly $10 billion, and they confirm that their current GDP is approximately $400 billion. What is the expected utility of war in this example?
Question 20 options:
$330 billion
$90 billion
$50 billion
$490 billion
Question 21 (0.75 points)
Question 21 options:The payoffs or return one party receives from leaving a negotiation without securing a deal is known as the ________.
Question 22 (2.475 points)

Of the following scenarios, which is least likely to produce war?
Question 22 options:
two states that are members of opposing alliances
two states with a significant imbalance of military power
two states that share a border
two states that are led by dictators
Question 23 (2.475 points)

Government leaders in a state are waging war focused on destroying their adversary’s military. The government’s goal is to limit their enemy’s ability to fight back and extend control over the enemy’s resources. This example best describes a(n) ________
Question 23 options:
war of attrition.
war of coercion.
conscription war.
conventional war.
Question 24 (2.475 points)

Which of the following best represents the concept of jus ad bellum?
Question 24 options:
After a war, the victorious state must punish the acts that justified the war.
During a war, a state has the right to launch attacks against civilian populations.
A state can declare war if the military forces of a neighboring state are mobilized to its border in an aggressive manner.
A state can launch an unprovoked attack against another state to expand its territory.
Question 25 (1.5 points)

Examples of the costs that influence resolve include the military and civilian casualties that a state expects to absorb during a war.
Question 25 options:True
Question 26 (2.475 points)

The democratic president of a small state has publicly stated that he will send tanks across the border to seize territory from a neighboring state if they refuse to provide access to natural resources. The neighboring state refuses to make any concessions, and the president does not follow through on his threat. The president in this example most likely incurred a(n) ________ cost.
Question 26 options:
Question 27 (0.75 points)
Question 27 options:According to Just War Theory, a state that is facing an imminent attack from an adversary is justified in launching a(n) ________ war.
Question 28 (2.475 points)

After a fundamental political disagreement arises and one side issues demands, a causal theory of war argues that the demands will most likely trigger which of the following items?
Question 28 options:
request for intervention through an international organization
declaration of war
signing of a peace treaty
identification of relative valuations of peaceful compromise and war
Question 29 (1.5 points)

One of the strongest predictors of interstate wars is geographic proximity.
Question 29 options:True
Question 30 (2.475 points)

Which of the following best represents sunk cost signals that the United States sent to Iraq in the fall of 1990 in the leadup to the Gulf War?
Question 30 options:
President Bush’s public threats reaffirming American support for the war
the resolve of citizens to tolerate a prolonged war
the lack of response to Saddam Hussein’s initial threats toward Kuwait
the deployment of troops to Saudi Arabia

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