Week One Discussion 2 Must post first. Subscribe Leadership Matrix Survey Click

Week One Discussion 2
Must post first.
Leadership Matrix Survey
Click on the above link to take you to web page for the leadership survey. Follow the directions and take the survey, which is based on the Managerial Grid. You should be familiar with the Managerial Grid from the readings for Week 1. If you have not read the text readings for week 1, do so before you take the survey. If you are not currently a supervisor or manager, answer the survey based on how you would respond to the questions if you were in the position of a supervisor or manager right now. When you have determined your score, do the following:
Post your score to the discussion board and the name(s) of the type of manager you represent
Tell me if this is the managerial style that you feel you would currently employ or would employ if your were a manager
Tell me what you would do to change your style to the one that you feel best represents your favored style
Respond to at least two of your fellow classmates
Discussion Board Rubric 446

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