Analyze the business models (Twitch) used by the companies and suggest your idea

Analyze the business models (Twitch) used by the companies and suggest your ideal business model for this industry. Please use the following format in your write-up (page suggestions are single-spaced, but make sure you adhere to the 3-page limit):
1. (1⁄2-1-page). Summarize the company and its businesses (or companies if there are more than one)
2. (1⁄2-1 page). Define clearly and concisely the strategic challenges facing the industry and firm(s) today (you will need to update the case information with outside research in this section – the case might be a few years old, but we are interested in the current situation – please reference your sources).
3. (1-1 1⁄2 pages). In light of your strategic analysis, list the pros and cons of the business model(s) utilized by the company. If there is more than one central company in the case, then list for each of them. This should be the major part of your write-up. Materials such as tables, quantitative analysis, may be placed in appendices, not in the text. Do not repeat tables and material contained in the case. You will also need to update the case information with outside research in this section – the case might be a few years old, but we are interested in the current situation facing the companies).
4. (1⁄2-1 page). Based on your analysis, recommend the business model that you believe would be ideal for a new company (not necessarily the companies referred to in the case) trying to enter this industry. Your recommendation can be a modification of the business model(s) presented in the case, or you can recommend your own. Analyze and list the pros and cons of your recommended business model.
5. (No limit). Appendices and bibliography using the APA or MLA format. 1 point will be deducted for submissions with improper formatting

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