Questions: 1. What is the relationship between the marketing concept and the tri

Questions: 1. What is the relationship between the marketing concept and the triple bottom line (10 pts) 2. Explain how your employer’s activities can be categorized in the triple bottom-line measures as outlined in the questions below. Make sure to identify the organization* (10 pts). Economic factors – What factor is used to measure of success for your firm and how well does the and is marketing concept useful to them? (The objectives will depend on whether the organization is a profit or nonprofit entity ) Social – Explain the social consequences achieved by the organization Environmental – Is this important for the organization in terms of how it does its business? 3. Overall, how do you rate the performance of your employer on the triple bottom line measures — excellent, good, fair or poor? Please explain why. 10 pts) 4. What do you think the organization needs to change to improve its performance on the triple bottom line measures? (10 pts) *If not employed you can use a former employer.

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