The two Massachusetts nurse of the future nursing core competencies that I think will impact my future professional nursing practice the most are patient-centered care and communication. These are the most important for me as a NICU nurse because for patient-centered care the majority of the time, NICU baby parents end up being our “patients” while they may not be in patients, and we are not assessing them and their vital signs the way we are their babies. Parents to NICU babies are a major part of my daily job and interactions. The second one I would choose is Communication. In the NICU the amount of people I am required to communication throughout my day is crazy to think about. But also, without it not something the NICU can function without. Not only do I have to communicate with different people, I have to communicate with many different departments. PT/OT, speech, pharmacy, physicians, neonatal nurse practioners, other nurses and so on. Communicating effectively in the NICU is something that occurs all day every day.
Communication leads in the AACN BSN essential to improving my future nursing practice is interprofessional communication and collaboration for improving patient health outcomes. the NICU has such a large interprofessional team the is specialized to caring for 22 weekers all the way up to 2 months old properly and communicating with one another in a professional manner and well as also being able to translate what the neonatologist may have just said to the parents for them once they leave. perfecting this in the future and practicing it daily will only improve my ability to participate in rounds, being up to date on what to predict for the day that may happen and improve my relationship with my interprofessional team that I would with daily.
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