1.), You may share your thoughts about ANY ideas that were touched on in this fi

1.), You may share your thoughts about ANY ideas that were touched on in this film that are of interest to you. Was there something in this video that surprised you? That shifts your thinking in some way? That lingered with you after watching the video? Is there something related to this film that you think is worth having a conversation about? Please follow your own interests, and please feel free to add photos!!
2.), Or, if you are from a country in this part of the world, or have spent time in this part of the world, I would LOVE it, if you would want to write about any of your own experience of cities, architecture, the landscape, roads, objects, traditions, spiritual practices, cultural practices, art, music, literature, or any ideas of interest to you that relate to the first three or four centuries of Islam. And again, please feel free to add photos! I welcome this kind of sharing!!
The exchange of ideas from the extremely bright and diverse group of people in this class will undoubtedly add dimensions of richness that I could not begin to include myself, so please share whatever you think is valuable to think about related in any way to the first few centuries of Islamhttps://youtu.be/kGxdCDOu5xs
The Dark Ages: An Age of Light – Episode Three, The Wonder of Islam, by Waldemar Januszczak
This video is an excellent documentary, created and narrated by British documentarian and art critic Waldemar Januszczak. It is a Timeline production, broadcast by the BBC. It explores the Dome of the Rock, desert palaces, the Mosque of Ibn Tulun, the Mosque of Cordoba, and Nilometer, and the Astrolabe. It covers a good portion of what is included in our textbook in the first few chapters. It’s an excellent video with beautiful footage and intelligent instruction about many important architectural works of early Islam. I hope you enjoy it!.

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