The Billings and Halstead text describes various curriculum models and requests for nursing curricular revision to better meet the changing needs of current healthcare. There is a call for more integration of clinical and didactic teaching, increased emphasis on safety, focus on improving all health aspects of the nation, student centered learning, and interprofessional education, just to name a few.
Read Billings & Halstead Chapters 6, 8, and 9. Considering your own experience with curriculum (either in a previous degree or in an academic institution where you currently work), you will develop this assignment using the following criteria:
1. Discuss three recommended curricular revisions from the textbook that are needed in current nursing curriculum (one paragraph for each revision).
2. Analyze three curricular design models (content blocks, concepts, competencies) and suggested revisions for each model as discussed in your textbook (one paragraph for each design models; use name of the design model as the subheadings).
3. After analyzing three curricular design models, discuss which model/revision that you would use to improve a change/potential change in nursing curriculum and how you would implement this change.
Note: If you are not currently a nurse educator, discuss proposed curricular revisions. I am not a nurse educator. I have included the curriculum for this class. You can use it for the proposed revisions.
Hint: Headings to use for this assignment:
• Title of paper for the introduction paragraph
• Three Recommended Curricular Revisions
• Curricular Design Model Analysis
• Potential Revision based on a Curricular Design Model
• Conclusion
This assignment should be between 5 (minimum) and 7 (maximum) pages, following current APA guidelines that includes at least 3 scholarly references, the textbook, and integration biblical principles. Do not use first person and all discussion must be supported by current research evidence (citation of scholarly sources).
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.
Billings, D. M. & Halstead, J. A. (2020). Teaching in nursing: A guide for faculty (6th ed.). Elsevier: St Louis, Missouri. ISBN: 9780323554725.
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