A. Describe the following research methods. Include in your descriiption what th

A. Describe the following research methods. Include in your descriiption what the method is useful for and the difficulties and problems associated with each.:
1. Correlation
2. Survey
3. Naturalistic Observation
4. Case Study

B. A researcher is studying the effects of white noise (static, e.g.) on retention of learned textbook material. He arranges the experiment in this manner.
Group A 100 people
Group B 100 people
Group A is given a study assignment to learn the parts of the brain
Group B is given the same assignment but is instructed to turn a radio to static while they study.
The researcher then tests both groups on the study material and compares the grades of the 2 groups.
Using the above study, Identify the following:

1. The experimental group
2. The control group
3. The independent variable
4. The dependent variable

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