1. In the introduction to her book, Valdes writes, “In this book, I will argue t

1. In the introduction to her book, Valdes writes, “In this book, I will argue that Mexican working-class parents bring to the United States, goals, life plans, and experiences that do not help them make sense of what schools expect of their children” (p. 5). Please offer your interpretation of what she means by this statement in light of the chapters you’ve read. How does she support of her argument? How do the competing definitions of “education”/”educacion” complicate home-school relations? What salient issues, concerns, questions and/or ideas about parental involvement in the education of their children did these readings evoke for you?
2. In what ways did the DeGaetano and Kugler’s articles offer additional insight into how schools are able to more effectively reach out to and involve immigrant parents?
3. Does your school district(Philadelphia) currently offer special programs for ELLs and their families or what ideas do you have for developing effective parent-school partnerships? Are there currently any schooling practices e.g. assessment, curriculum, textbooks, home-school communication, student socialization patterns, etc. in your immediate educational context that needs to be questioned and/or changed in order to encourage more parental involvement from immigrant parents? If there are no programs designed for immigrant families and students in your school district, have you heard of any other promising programs you can share with the class?
Professor’s Instructions.
Your task in composing a message is to provide new information that is appropriate to the issue being discussed. Your discussion messages should be:
• Factually accurate. If you copy or paraphrase another source, you must cite it.
• Original. Personal experience or opinions must be relevant to the issue being discussed.
• Teach us something new. This is very important!
• Stimulate others to want to participate in additional discussion
• Written in academically appropriate fashion.
• Please do not merely summarize what you’ve read in your response, but I want to see that you’re actively thinking about the questions in connection to the course readings.
• The responses to EACH question should be at least 200 words in length

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