Overview In this course, the learner-faculty connect video assignment will be us

In this course, the learner-faculty connect video assignment will be used for reflection as well as to discuss your preparedness for upcoming weeks. This is a private conversation between you and your instructor, and you are encouraged to deeply explore the concepts presented.
In this mentor-focused video check-in, you will look at Milestone Two, which is due in Module Six, and have an asynchronous discussion with your instructor regarding any initial concerns about the same.
As you record the video in the Bongo Q&A tool, consider the criteria listed in this assignment.
You are highly encouraged to continue reaching out to your instructor so any concerns and questions are addressed prior to when Milestone Two is due. Discuss your progress and these concerns with your instructor through this video submission.
Review the Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric, as well as the balanced scorecards for both companies to be acquired that you developed in Module Three. Then, record a short video sharing your expectations and understanding of the scenario and corresponding requirements. Address the following criteria:
Share your expectation and understanding of Milestone Two. Identify any initial questions or concerns you have regarding:
Balanced scorecard analysis
Performance analysis tool and techniques
Cost-benefit analysis
The deliverables expected in Milestone Two
In preparation for the upcoming milestone, address the following:
Describe your understanding of the business environment of an organization. How can you use internal and external environments to analyze an organization’s current situation?
What are some components that make up the internal business environment?
Which factors influence the external business environment of an organization?
If you have any additional questions or require additional support from your instructor, let your instructor know either in this video or through an alternative format.
What to Submit
A 1- to 2-page Word document

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