Please NO PLAGIARISM and use only links I provided and not from the internet. t

Please NO PLAGIARISM and use only links I provided and not from the internet. the instructions are written here and I will provided a file with the instructions and link to the articles and videos.
Confederate Monument debate: Remove them or not?
The assignment is to type a 1000 word minimum , double spaced, 12 font paper on the controversy and include a word count and list the source used at the end. Should Confederate Monuments be taken down, names of schools changed, military bases renamed, as we get rid of anything reminding us of the Confederacy?
Part One should be a summary of three articles below , relating to Confederate Monuments.
Part two should be a summary of three of the videos.
Part three is your opinion on the controversy.
You should have several paragraphs in each part . Article 1, Article 2, Article 3, Video 1, Video 2, Video 3 etc…
Things to consider in your paper in part 3 ( YOUR OPINION) :Recently there has been a movement to ban Confederate Monuments throughout the United States.
What does a monument mean? Does it represent slavery, states rights, or a United States who invaded the South?
Does it represent a group of brave soldiers who fought for a cause that they believed in? Does it honor someone or is it placed somewhere, so we remember what happened?
Do blacks and whites see this issue differently or not? Why has there been a movement lately to ban the monuments? Are there any other places in the world, where the losing side still has monuments to honor a losing cause?
Does a monument cause someone to hate and kill innocent people?
Does taking down monuments mean “erasing history?” What happened to “remember history , so we don’t repeat it?” By getting rid of monuments will we one day forget what happened ?
What should be done with the monuments , if we take them down?
Should we take down the Jeffererson Memorial in Washington D.C.? He was a slaveowner. Should we take down the Washington monument and change the name (slave owner). Should we change the name
Of Washington DC , Washington State, Washington on the Brazos etc?.. Street names? Parks?
Does Robert E.Lee HS and Jefferson Davis in HISD need to go? The city of Houston is named after a slaveowner and so is Austin . Should we change the names of schools if one was a slave owner, Confederate soldier or supported the South in the war? How about if he/she did some great things after the war in their community? Does the fact that they owned slaves, trump (not Donald) everything else?
List all sources used (from) below at the end of your paper and a word count.
YOU can choose any three of the following and make reference to the article (s) in your paper or list them at the end of your paper. Articles come and go on the internet, so if the link is not working, there are plenty more to choose from.

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