How do you think family and social influences change over the course of developm

How do you think family and social influences change over the course of development? Do you think your parents or your peers were more influential on your own development during your child years? During your teen years? Please provide information and evidence from the readings to support the ideas that you raise in your discussion responses.
It is required that you post at least 2 times per discussion (initial post and response to at least 1 peer) over the two week period (on two different days) to encourage a lively discussion. Your first post must be submitted during the first week that the question is posted. Your initial response must contain an in-text citation, referencing material from your textbook and/or other academic sources. Your second response, which is your follow-up response to another student, can be posted during either the first or second week that the discussion board is open. Your initial response needs to use in-text citations and must contain an academic reference at the end of your post. This is an upper-level psychology course, so APA style is mandated for the discussion board. Failure to use proper APA style in-text citations and references will result in point loss. Please consult Purdue’s OWL Resources (Links to an external site.) for APA format.
Each of your required two responses should be a minimum of 225 words and should meet the content requirements stated in the syllabus. However, your initial response will probably be longer. Two postings per discussion module (a two week period) is the minimum number of postings per discussion and will yield a minimum grade. Proper grammar and spelling are required and points will be deducted for errors.

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