As the Vice President for Human Resources, the CEO of your organization has aske

As the Vice President for Human Resources, the CEO of your organization has asked you to review the following articles on the Great Resignation and the ongoing workforce crisis taking place in healthcare. He is worried about the impact that it will have on the potential retention and recruitment of current and prospective employees for your organization. Your instructions are to discuss the concept of the Great Resignation, its effect on the health workforce, and highlight its impact on a specific profession from one of the following categories of healthcare professionals:
Physicians (i.e. Emergency Medicine physician, Psychiatrist, Family Medicine, etc.)
Nurses (Critical Care, Emergency, CRNA, Nurse Practitioner, etc.)
Other healthcare professions (Physical Therapist, CEO, Practice Administrator, etc.)
Provide two evidence-based solutions that can be used to recruit and/or retain this specific professional during the workforce crisis that healthcare is currently facing.
The following headings should be used to frame your paper.
Impact on Profession
The paper must be 3-5 pages in length and written in the APA 7th edition format. It must include references from the articles provided. Not outside sources may be used. If you need additional sources, please let me know and I will provide them to you.

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