Leadership versus Management: Rost (1991) reinterpreted Burn’s model of leadersh

Leadership versus Management: Rost (1991) reinterpreted Burn’s model of leadership to mean that transactional leadership describes management and transformational leadership relates to leadership and the difference between the two is the distinction between leadership and management. Do you agree or disagree? Support with research-based studies. READ the Additional Materials sections before making a post or responding to a post.
Reply to these two posts below. 300 words per post…2 apa sources…apa in-text citations are a must.
1. Rost’s (1991) reinterpretation of Burns’ leadership model has value when seen through research-based evidence. In this reinterpretation, Rost asserts that transactional leadership correlates to management, but transformational leadership fits with leadership. This contrast highlights the different foci and effects of the two notions.
The primary focuses of transactional leadership are the management of tasks, the guaranteeing of compliance, and the preservation of operational efficiency. This relationship is highlighted in Bougie and Sekaran’s “Research Methods for Business” (2019), which indicates that transactional leaders use management-by-exception and contingent incentives to guarantee adherence to predetermined procedures. According to the findings of several studies, including the research conducted by Bass and Avolio, the transactional approach is more task-oriented and reactive, with a primary emphasis placed on elucidating roles and duties (Bougie & Sekaran, 2019).
On the other hand, transformational leadership is aligned with the concept of leadership, as described by Rost. Transformational leaders inspire and motivate followers, fostering a shared vision and encouraging innovative thinking. Research by Avolio and Bass (1988), as cited by Bougie and Sekaran (2019), highlights that transformational leadership promotes individual development and generates higher follower satisfaction and commitment.
The delineation between leadership and management in Rost’s interpretation finds support in empirical evidence. Studies, such as those by Bougie and Sekaran (2019), reveal that transformational leaders exhibit visionary qualities, inspiring a sense of purpose and collective identity, while transactional leaders focus on routine task completion. Thus, the differentiation aligns with empirical observations and research findings.
In conclusion, Rost’s redefinition of leadership aligns with empirical evidence presented in studies like those outlined by Bougie and Sekaran (2019). The research supports the notion that transactional leadership is rooted in management principles, while transformational leadership embodies the essence of leadership by inspiring and guiding followers toward shared aspirations.
2. I agree with Rost on his analysis that the simple core definition of being a manager vs. a leader uses transactional and transformational leadership styles, respectively. This can be seen in the definitions we find in research studies of the definition of a leader vs a manager and what characteristics we find defined for transactional and transformational leadership. Burns (1978) theorized that the process of leadership itself actually occurs in one of two ways: either via a transactional or transformational mechanism. A transformational environment is expected to be dynamic, flexible, stimulating, encouraging, enlightening, and visionary (Hood, Poulson, & et al, 2009).
Transactional leadership was purported to rest upon bureaucratic authority and legitimacy, place greater emphasis on work standards, assignments, and task-oriented goals (Hood, Poulson, & et al, 2009). Generally speaking, managers are people to whom employees are directly subordinated, who make management-related decisions that directly influence the actions and behavior of others. The defining characteristic of the manager lies in his power over others, that implies both the right and the ability to influence their behavior. Leadership represents a leader’s ability to determine a group of people to co-work with him in order to achieve an objective based on their strong affective and operational implication (Lucia, 2018). When organizations are dynamic and undergoing transformation, people at the top are expected to exhibit leadership. Managers must decide when teams should be organized and attained when you are promoted… you will be given a managerial role. Managers cannot be successful without being good leaders, and leaders cannot be successful without being good managers (Whetten & Cameron, 2020). You cannot have one without the other is one that is certain.

Chapter 2- Discussion Board, 100 words per question….apa-in-text citations are a must. 2 citations per post.
Why is discretion and accountability so closely related in managerial societies?
Briefly discuss the Proverbs of Administration?
What is the value of formal and informal structures of an organization?

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