I need a brochure made for my class. I need at least 2 educational references.

I need a brochure made for my class. I need at least 2 educational references. Don’t use Mayo Clinic, Wikipedia, Cleveland Clinic, or WebMD. They have to be credible sources. This is the criteria below:
1. This will be a trifold brochure using only one sheet of paper. You can use PowerPoint or Canva.com to make the brochure.
2. No medical terminology can be used as this brochure should be prepared using laymen’s terms so that anyone can understand the information being presented. SIMPLE!!
Name of Condition – Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Explanation of Condition
Signs & Symptoms
Patient interventions
Where to Get Assistance
Graphics should be appealing and complimentary to the brochure, including pictures and a nice design to the brochure.

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