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Hi, I need someone to respond to the following student discussion which I have provided below. Also, below the student discussion I have provided the original discussion prompt that the student discussion was referring to. I have provided an example of how to reply to a student to give you an idea of how to respond to a student discussion.
Student Discussion That Needs to Be Responded to:
The mother and the child are significantly in danger when a teen is pregnant. Several risk factors and antecedents accompany adolescent pregnancy. These variables include ethnicity, people’s social and economic position, and the environment in which children are raised. Children raised by a single parent or in homes with frequent arguments between parents are more at risk of becoming pregnant as teenagers than kids reared in harmonious homes with both parents. Illegal drug use and participation in early pregnancy are two additional factors that increase the likelihood of pregnancy in teenagers. Teenage pregnancies are a risk for children exposed to drugs because they cannot defend themselves and make mature sexual choices (Chakole et al., 2022). Since they are simpler to eradicate in modern society, it is crucial to understand the variables that increase the risk of adolescent pregnancy.
The WIC Works resource program and Fritters are two resources made available to assist teen mothers. A national initiative in the US called WIK works resource program ensures that all teen expectant moms receive adequate nutrition both during and after pregnancy. This initiative provides financial support to new and expecting mothers so they can get healthy food for themselves and their children (Brindis et al., 2020). Fitters is a local resource in Orange County that welcomes pregnant teenage girls into a community of other women who have experienced the same stage of life. Pregnant teenagers are taught by the more experienced women the value of continuing their education, parenting and preserving healthy relationships.
Kentucky now has a 28 percent pregnancy rate. Teen pregnancy has significantly dropped in Kentucky over the past ten years. In 2013, there were 7220 pregnancies among teens between 15 and 19 years. Three thousand three hundred two babies were born by teens in 2020. Seventy-eight percent of the adolescents were between the ages of 18 and 19. Fifteen percent of the teens have already had their firstborn by 2020 and are now having either their second or third pregnancy (Hyden & Shannon, 2022). The fact that more youths are seeking higher education could cause a decline in teen pregnancies in Kentucky.
Brindis, C. D., Decker, M. J., Gutmann-Gonzalez, A., & Berglas, N. F. (2020). Perspectives on adolescent pregnancy prevention strategies in the United States: looking back, looking forward. Adolescent health, medicine and therapeutics, 135-145.
Chakole, S., Akre, S., Sharma, K., Wasnik, P., Wanjari, M. B., & Wasnik Sr, P. (2022). Unwanted teenage pregnancy and its complications: a narrative review. Cureus, 14(12).
Hyden, A., & Shannon, L. (2022). Risky Behaviors in Central Appalachia/Eastern Kentucky: Teen Pregnancy and Sexually Transmitted Infections.
Original Discussion Prompt:
Assessment Description
Adolescent pregnancy is viewed as a high-risk situation because it poses serious health risks for the mother and the baby. Describe various risk factors or precursors to adolescent pregnancy. Research community and state resources devoted in adolescent pregnancy and describe at least two of these resources. Research the teen pregnancy rates for the last 10 years for your state and community. Has this rate increased or decreased? Discuss possible reasons for an increase or decrease.
Example of How to Respond to a Student Discussion: v
Hi Nita,
I like how you discuss both the teacher observing the student and the student observing their own art. You bring up excellent points about the teachers observing the children, because it does help the teacher to better communicate with the children and understand them better. As teachers, it is very important to nurture students, particularly if they are very young, I think, because it allows them to better understand the needs of the student, and how to work with them. Paying attention to what the student is drawing, and seeing how the student reacts to their own work can improve the teachers’ understanding.
Expressing feelings in this discussion board reply examples is a major component of growing up. The more a student is able to express those feelings, the more they can understand them. I liked reading about what you said on this topic, and I agree that the art is a very useful tool that students can learn to express their feelings effectively. If they do not express them, they are keeping them inside, and drawing can become a form of counseling for them. In my opinion, I think the drawing can be particularly useful for many students who are quiet. These students do not often express themselves verbally, and drawing can be a way for them to understand their feelings, and to release some pent up sadness of hostile feelings, for example. I think this form of therapy sticks with many people throughout life, and they continue to use drawing as a coping mechanism.
Requirements: 1 Full Page Times New Roman Size 12 Font Double-Spaced APA Format Excluding the Title and Reference Pages
Please be sure that the answer comes up with way less than 18% on Studypool’s internal plagiarism checker since anything above this is not acceptable according to Studypool’s standards. I will not accept answers that are above this standard.
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No plagiarism & No Course Hero & No Chegg. The assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.
Please be sure to include at least one in-text citation in each paragraph
Please be sure to use scholarly peer-reviewed source(s). Source(s) must be published within the last 5 years, appropriate for the assignment criteria, and relevant to nursing practice. Please be sure to use different source(s) than the one that the student selected for the student discussion

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