Carefully read the case study and type a report that details your specific analy

Carefully read the case study and type a report that details your specific analysis and recommendations about how problems presented in the case might be approached and solved. Make sure your analysis and report answer the questions raised. Your report should be 2-3 pages in length, single spaced, and use APA for citations (if needed). Citations are, otherwise, not required). This is a formal document and should be written as a letter (note: the case PDF says letter/ memo; however, you need to submit it in a letter format not as a memo). There should be a brief introduction paragraph that previews the letter, the body where the following steps are discussed, and a conclusion paragraphs that recaps the letter and reinforces your relationship. I will be grading your individual and group case study on your ability to follow the format and your ability to address and respond to the following five steps. see (Rubric and How to Analyze a Case Study).
Introductory paragraph1. Identification of most important facts in the case: provide detailed context – 10pts2. Key issues: describe major problems and their impact on strategy or performance – 20pts3. Specify alternativecourses of action: have at least two alternatives – 20 pts4. Evaluate each course of action: pros and cons of each alternative and what the implementation would mean for the company. Paint the picture to help the reader visualize and understand the implications – 20 pts5. Recommend the best course of action: provide details and your reasoning – 10 pts
1. Grammar & Writing:1. Punctuation (commas, semicolons, colons) carefully2. Sentence structure (use parallel structure where applicable)3. Subject-verb agreement4. Avoid dangling modifiers, fused/run-on sentences, comma splices, and fragments.5. Pay attention to tense consistency (throughout the report i.e. if changing the tense from past to present or vice versa, check to make sure it will not be confusing for the reader.)6. Use active voice in general.7. Use passive voice when discussing unpleasant information or an employee/person’s disruptive behavior. Be tactful.8. Use spell check and proofread at least two times.9. Make sure you use headings, bullet points or numbered lists to drive your point home… See BCOM chapter 410.2. APA: Refer to Purdue OWL AP (Associated Press) guidelines to check the use of capitalization, numbers, and quotes. If using outside sources, add a reference page to the report.

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