C01 Introduction to Business Directions: Be sure to save an electronic copy of

C01 Introduction to Business
Directions: Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Un
less otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be four (4) double-spaced pages; refer to the “Assignment Format” page located on the Course Home page for specific format requirements.
Part A:
Explain how the Federal Reserve Board, or the Fed, might assist the United States in the event of a recession or depression with examples. You can use the recent 2007 recession as supporting information. Discuss the tools that the Fed uses to adjust money growth. Be sure to integrate the responsibilities or functions of the Fed into your response.
Part B:
Perform research on financial service institutions in your geographic area. Describe in detail the financial services that each provides, comparing interest rates, fees, and investment options. Which financial service institution do you think is best and why?

Grading Rubric

Please refer to the rubric on the following page for the grading criteria for this assignment.

Criterion Score

Part A: The FederalReserve Assistance (15 points)
15 points
Student providesa clear, logicaldiscussion of how the Fed might help manage moneyduring a recession or depression.
12 points
Student provides a mostly clear, logical discussion of how the Fed might help manage money duringa recession or depression.
8 points
Student provides a weak or unclear discussion of how the Fed might help manage money duringa recession or depression.
5 points
Student provides a poor discussion of how the Fed mighthelp manage moneyduring a recession or depression.
/ 15

Part A: Responsibilities/
Functions of the Fed (15 points)
15 points
Student provides a clear, logicaldescription of the four major responsibilities of the Fed.
12 points
Student provides a mostly clear,logical description of the 4 major responsibilities of the Fed.
8 points
Student provides a weak or unclear description of the 4 major responsibilities of the Fed.
5 points
Student provides a poor description of the 4 major responsibilities of the Fed.
/ 15

Part A: The Fed’s Money GrowthTools (15 points)
15 points
Student provides a clear, logicaldescription of the four toolsto adjust money growth.
12 points
Student provides a mostly clear,logical description of the four tools to adjust money growth.
8 points
Student provides a weak or unclear description of the four toolsto adjust moneygrowth.
5 points
Student provides a poor description of the four tools to adjust money growth.
/ 15

Part B: Financial Institution Comparison
(20 points)
20 points
Student provides a clear, logicaldescription of at least threefinancial service institutions with information aboutinterest rates, fees,and investment options.
15 points
Student provides a mostly clear,logical description of at least2-3 financial serviceinstitutions with information about interest rates,fees, and investment options.
10 points
Student provides a weak or unclear description of 2-3 financial service institutions with limited information about interest rates,fees, and investment options.
5 points
Student providesa poor description of 1-2 financial serviceinstitutions with littleinformation about interest rates, fees, and investment options.
/ 20

Part B: Opinion
(15 points)
15 points
Student provides a clear, rationalopinion of which financial institution is personally preferred with strong supporting facts.
12 points
Student providesa mostly clear,adequate opinion of which financial institution is personally preferred with supporting facts.
8 points
Student provides a weak or unclear opinion of which financial institution is personally preferred with littlesupporting facts.
5 points
Student provides a poor opinionof which financial institution is personally preferred with littleto no supporting facts.
/ 15

Mechanics (10 Points)
10 points
Student makes no errorsin grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.
8 points
Student makes 1-2 errorsin grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.
5 points
Student makes 3-4 errorsin grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.
2 points
Student makesmore than 4 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.
/ 10

Format (10 Points)
10 points
The paper is writtenin proper format.All sources used for quotesand facts are credible and cited correctly.
8 points
The paper is writtenin proper formatwith only 1-2 errors. All sources used for quotesand facts are credible and most are cited correctly.
5 points
The paper is writtenin proper format with only 3-5 errors.Most sources used for quotesand facts are credible and cited correctly.
2 points
The paper is not written in proper format.Many sources used for quotesand facts are less than credible (suspect) and/or are not cited correctly.
/ 10

/ 100

Overall Score

100 points minimum

79 points minimum

52 points minimum

0 points minimum

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