General Instructions: 1. This is a take home, open book examination, but it is n

General Instructions:
1. This is a take home, open book examination, but it is not to be done with anyone else’s help or collaboration. You are on the honor system. If you use outside sources, please give appropriate citation to that source. A simple reference to Wikipedia is not sufficient.
2. The response is to be word processed using 12-point Times New Roman font, single-spaced, with margins set at 1.00” all around. Spelling, grammar, etc., count. Although there is no page limit for your response, the more thorough your response the higher the grade it will receive. Failure to follow the correct format can result in point deduction. A grading rubric is on Canvas—please familiarize yourself with it.
Chechens are an ethnic minority living primarily in Russia’s North Caucasus region. Some Chechens desire to have an independent country because they are culturally, religiously, and ethnically different than the rest of the country. After they announced their desire for independence, Russia sent in its army and attacked Chechen villages and killed many civilians. Chechen militants reacted violently and routinely attack Russian civilians as part of their campaign. The militants have been declared a terrorist organization by Russia.
Recently, Chechen militants raided a train station in Moscow. In the raid, the militants killed 47 people who were waiting to board the train. A Russian special forces unit was called in and took out the Chechens. The leader of the raid survived however, and was captured and placed on trial. The leader was convicted for membership in a terrorist organization (subjecting him to the death penalty under Russian law).
You are a journalist who is granted an exclusive interview with Russian government officials, and with the leader after the trial and conviction. In order to write a fair and balanced article and to explain the issues to your readership, you need to ask him and the Russian authorities questions to make a determination of whether he is a terrorist or a freedom fighter. State what questions you will need to ask both sides and why. Your response should be as comprehensive as possible, don’t simply list questions.

Posted in Law

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