Upon successful completion of this module, students will have demonstrated: Know

Upon successful completion of this module, students will have demonstrated:
1. Critical understanding of transformations in marketing practices and thinking
that are occurring in response to changes in the technological and social
2. Critical understanding of the need for an integrative approach in strategic
3. Critical evaluation of the challenges faced by marketers in the digital era.
4. Analytical and critical thinking
According to Euromonitor International (2021), there was a decline in the total market
for beauty and personal care in Greece during 2021. This was attributed to government
measures to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus, such as, home seclusion and
limited social occasions. Products including, deodorants, depilatories, colour
cosmetics, sun care and fragrances were all negatively impacted, whereas, bath and
shower products, sops, hand sanitizers and moisturizes and hand creams all
benefitted from increased demand.
Source: Euromonitor International (2021) Beauty and Personal Care in Greece Country Report. Available at: https://www-portal-euromonitor-
com.ezproxy.sunderland.ac.uk/portal/analysis/related. Accessed: 07.11.2021
Your Task
Investigate and appraise the role of marketing in a beauty and/or personal care
organisation/brand of your choice. This brand must have originated off-line and must
operate at a national /or international level, with a presence in Greece.
Thoroughly research your chosen organisation/brand and the marketing environment
within which it operates, to:
• Critically evaluate the challenges faced by those responsible for
marketing the organisation/brand in the digital era (50% weighting).
• Critically evaluate the transformations in their marketing practices and
thinking that are occurring in response to changes in the technological
and social environments and whether they are adopting an integrative
approach (50% weighting).
Your work should be underpinned with theory and illustrated with evidence from a
range of recent, credible academic and practitioner sources.
Assignment Support & Student Feedback
Formal assessment guidance will be provided during weeks 6 and 12 of the teaching
programme and throughout the module’s delivery. Formative feedback will be
available during the workshops. You should commence your work in a timely fashion
in order to receive feedback prior to submission.
Submission of Work for Assessment
• You must submit your work through turnitin before the assessment deadline.
You may submit your work as many times as you wish up until the deadline for
submission. Your final submission is the submission that will be taken into
account in the assessment process. Please be aware that you may need to
allow at least 24 hours between submissions on turnitin.
• Please include the word count (minus list of contents and references) on the
title page of your work.

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