Documenting what children are doing is an important part of planning instruction

Documenting what children are doing is an important part of planning instruction that meets their needs. In this discussion, you will learn about the ways you can document learning. To begin, watch the video Documenting Children’s Learning (above), read the following article and review the following website:
The Power of Documentation in the Early Childhood Classroom
Introduction to Desired Results
Now discuss the following:
How does documentation help you to understand the needs of the children you are working with? How will it help you to complete the Desired Results Developmental Profile© (2015) (DRDP [2015])?
Look back at a lesson you previously wrote in a previous course such as ECE 415 or ECE 420. Share a brief description of the lesson and a type of documentation that you could use with the lesson and why.
How would you share the documentation from the lesson with families? With other colleagues? With the children themselves?

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