Plagiarism Check References and Citations must be cited in APA 7th Edition. Use

Plagiarism Check
References and Citations must be cited in APA 7th Edition.
Use Canadian journal article.
Please do check all the instructions given in the document and follow them.
General Instructions (from Professor):
The purpose of this written lab is to assess your ability to critically examine and understand key information that relates to understanding the environmental impact covid-19 has had on surgical elective wait lists. Key questions are used to examine your critical thinking and writing skills.
This assignment must be completed in WORD and involves answering key questions that are detailed in page 2 of this assignment. The length of the assignment consists of two parts. Both parts must be uploaded to the drop box separately. The first part is the main assignment which includes your poster on the front page and the references on your second page. The second part which is entitled “storyboard” includes all your research. Specifically, your storyboard will outline all your questions and answers in a word document with the research evidence via the references. The assignment will be incomplete if your story board is not included. As noted above, this is an individual assignment and it must conform to APA 7 referencing and writing style guidelines. A main rubric is used to assess/grade your lab. Resources re: APA are posted on FOL. The following are the minimum standards for all written assignments:
▪ Integrity:
Ensure your assignment contains no plagiarized segments. If it does, it will be considered an academic offence. Note: Quotations and paraphrasing of any source without proper in-text citations and attached reference list is considered plagiarism.
▪ Purpose:
Ensure that your assignment achieves the primary purpose at least in a minimal way. A rubric is provided as an assessment to your learning and to improve your inquiry, analysis and writing skills.
▪ Readability:
Ensure that your assignment is edited to account for the majority of grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors. If it contains too many errors that create confusion of meaning and severely limits communication, then it will not meet the minimum standards.
▪ References:
Per APA 7, you must reference ALL sources from which you obtained information from and provide an in-text citation and references. If you have not cited work or provided a reference list, this is considered PLAGIARISM and you may receive a grade of 0. (Note: plagiarism is an academic offence – please check Fanshawe’s A136 policy.
Detailed Assignment Instructions:
It has been communicated that much of what is carried on in your experience at Fanshawe will carry forward to your success in the real world (e.g. as health information managers). The poster/advertisement assignment is designed to challenge students to create a visual, informational poster using an 8 ½’’ x 11” paper in WORD. Fonts: 16 for titles; Fonts: 12 for information as it relates to understanding how to reduce surgical wait list during a pandemic. Unfortunately, wait times have been impacted by reduced service delivery during the COVID-19 pandemic. Under the Chief Medical Officer of Health’s Directive #2, health service providers and health service organizations including hospitals were directed to. For this assignment you will research using relevant Canadian journal articles and develop a training policy poster that is aimed to collaborate with all staff that work within a southwest regional hospital to reduce surgical wait list times. Wiseman et al. (2020) purports that to reduce the significant impact on patients’ health outcomes, it is imperative to receive surgeon input, have effective leadership, and work collaboratively across all staff divisions during the strategy development, implementation and management of surgical wait lists. However, there still remains ideas how this strategy would be developed. Therefore, your poster is focused on hospital staff aimed at reducing surgical wait list for elective surgeries and non-emergency procedures (i.e. southwest hospital).
Using key subheadings (in other words, please do not write out your questions/components);
Your poster must include reliable research and answer the following key questions/components:
1. Create a synthesis of how the covid-19 pandemic has had an impact on surgical elective wait list (define elective surgery) – Outline factors/rationale that have contributed to the wait lists? Identify the risks this has had on specific patient populations. Evaluate what hospitals can do to ensure the safety and health outcomes of patients waiting for elective and non-emergency surgeries.
2. What are the key priorities hospitals should focus on to reduce surgical wait list times? What are the key factors and financial accountability priorities which hospitals should consider for patients waiting for elective and non-emergency surgeries (i.e. cancer surgery)? Remember people, processes and structures when answering this question.
3. Identify what information or support may be offered to patients while they wait for their surgery? What concerns might patients while their surgery is postponed and what can hospital do to assure the patient and their family their health remains a priority? Provide justification/rationale that your recommendation to the family model is the best going forward.
4. Design a checks and balances surgical priority framework which hospitals may use to reduce surgical wait lists for elective and non-emergency surgeries.
Important checklist:
i. Ensure you have answered all the questions being asked on your poster and to spell check your poster. These questions are outlined on your final assignment instructions.
When answering each question, ensure you are providing APA in-text citation for all detailed information. Be creative and use visuals and symbols, clip art etc…
ii. It is important that you NOT write out the questions as this will result in clutter. Instead use key headers that summarize what you are answering.
iii. Please use the rubric as your guide as this will be used to assess your grade.
iv. You can respond in bullet points but ensure that your grammar is correct.
v. Follow APA documentation. Use only Canadian references for the data integrity poster. This will help you score points for relevancy.
vi. Ensure your poster has visuals and not cluttered.
vii. Ensure that your poster be uploaded via PPT or WORD as it will be going through the Turn-it-In to check for plagiarism. I will NOT accept PDF’s for any assignment.
Remember for this assignment, please only use Canadian context. US context is not relevant or consistent with Canadian healthcare system

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