Health care information systems implementation such as electronic health records

Health care information systems implementation such as electronic
health records (EHRs) require detailed planning, well-trained staff, and
upper-management support in order to achieve a successful
implementation. In addition, comprehending barriers to implementation
and previous implementation failures is important to fully understand.
Case Assignment
In addition to your assigned reading, conduct a literature review of
health care organizations that have implemented an EHR. Identify one
health care organization in particular that has implemented an EHR.
Create a 12- to 15-slide (not including title slide and reference
slides) PowerPoint presentation on the implementation of an EHR within a
health care organization. Provide a brief introduction about the health
care organization, what type of EHR they selected, and their process
for implementation (this should cover from the analysis phase to
implementation). In addition, discuss some of the challenges they faced
and how they overcame them. Finally, discuss any improvements in patient
outcomes that the health care organization states. (If the organization
does not state any, simply put that on your slide.)
Assignment Expectations
Submit a 12- to 15-slide (not including title slide and reference
slides) PowerPoint presentation on the health care organization you have
The slides should discuss: brief introduction about the healthcare
organization, what type of EHR they implemented, the implementation
process of the EHR (this should cover from the analysis phase to
implementation), any challenges faced and if there were noted
improvements in patient outcomes.
Provide speaker notes to support your slides.
Provide references from at least 3 scholarly articles (peer-reviewed) and citations.

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