This is the situation: A psychology doctoral student who is entering internship

This is the situation: A psychology doctoral student who is entering internship soon, has accepted a position to a site for the following internship year. Two weeks later, the student interviewed to another clinic that he has been wanting more, and got offered a position right after the interview, then accepted it immediately out of excitement.
The dilemma is that he mislead the 2nd site into believing that he was available to take on the position, but has already accepted the first internship site (although no formal contract was signed, which made him believe it wasn’t official). Panicking and with anxiety knowing what he had just done, he thought it was the right thing to do, to send a professional email to the first internship site, and say that he can no longer take on the position with them (did not say he accepted another position, but gave a personal reason), thanked them for their time, and hoped to work sometime in the future with them. The site responded confused and a bit angry because the student already accepted the position, and they need an intern for the following year.
This student then emailed their school advisor, explaining the situation of accepting 2 positions because he thought since he never received a formal contract, that the first position “wasn’t set in stone”. The school adviser replied that his word is enough, and cannot withdraw his first acceptance, and has to stay committed to it. The student read that email and panicked again, as he had already accepted the second position too, and wanted that position more due to the population of interest, geographic location, and how it aligned better with his career goals. The school advisor and director emailed the student to schedule a meeting, the student was in anxiety and did not respond to the email for 2 days, but instead decided to take matters into his own hands and ask other students what to do in this situation. He eventually met with his school and was putting blame on the school for not having the internship policies of accepting a position and staying committed to it, not being explained to him, and for not receiving support in the past throughout his internship process.
The school eventually wrote a referral on this student because he violated his school’s internship policies and showed lack of professionalism by stating that he did not understand that the written word is his bond in a
professional circumstance. He also did not consult all the involved parties, did
not read all the school’s internship policies and regulations, did not take it upon himself to go find out the internship rules, and mostly spoke to other students about what he should do, rather than faculty
and staff. The director wanted to stress how his seeming lack of understanding of the
seriousness of the concerns is very concerning to faculty, and in some ways even more so
than the violation of policies themselves. Specifically, what is most concerning to the program is that he acted unethically by omitting or giving misleading information to relevant parties when he changed your mind about accepting a position at the first clinic, and that he did not take full responsibility for his actions when he met with all parties involved.
While psychologists sometimes make unintended
mistakes that can have serious consequences or commit unintended errors in judgement, we are
expected to act responsibly when we become aware of an error for which we are responsible.
We must take full responsibility for our actions, whether intentional or unintentional, and take
active steps to remediate the problem and to prevent the same error from re-occurring.
Write an 8-page paper (in APA format) about the Ethical
Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct of the American Psychological
Association ( Specifically, you must address Principle B:
Fidelity and Responsibility and Principle C: Integrity in your paper.
The paper must reference a minimum of 5 peer-reviewed articles about:
(a) Principle B:
Fidelity and Responsibility and
(b) Principle C: Integrity
The paper must demonstrate a sophisticated understanding of how these principles
apply to the situation that led to the referral and why the school is concerned.
The paper must demonstrate a sophisticated understanding of what he can do next time
he faces a similar professional dilemma.

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