Please respond to the discussion prompt below. Prompt: Hello Class, My top five

Please respond to the discussion prompt below.
Hello Class,
My top five Clifton Strengths were achiever, learner, relator, responsibility, and arranger. The most prevalent theme for me was executing, with three out of the top five falling within this category. I agree with the results, however, I was surprised by some of the outcomes. For example, I expected that adaptability and positivity would have been much higher (both came in the 20s).
The achiever talent is very visible in my daily life. At work, I’m usually the first to arrive and often the last to leave. I hold a high standard for myself and my team and strive to be the best. I find great satisfaction in completing tasks. I typically complete tasks well before their deadlines because I want to finish them as soon as possible (I love checking items off my to-do list). At school, it’s not good enough for me to just get a passing grade or even an A… my goal is to get a 100% on every assignment.
The OBLD master’s program is a good example of my learner talent. I enrolled in this program through my employer because I had a desire to further my knowledge and learning. Like many of you, anyone who voluntarily pursues a master’s degree while holding a full-time job obviously prioritizes learning. Even before this program, I pursued other training courses and read leadership books to improve my skill.
As an example of the relator talent, I strive to develop strong relationships with each of my team members. Years ago, I read a quote that became a big part of my leadership approach. Maxwell (2011) encouraged leaders to ask “’Who can I add value to today?’ and ‘What can I do for others?’” (p. 196). To add value to my team members, I need to know who they are, what goals they have, and what they need. Relating to my team members daily is something I emphasize.
The responsibility talent is visible in how I follow through on my commitments. If I say I am going to do something, then I do it. I never want to be considered unreliable, so I stay late to complete a task if I tell someone that I would get it done.
The arranger talent is similar to my achiever talent. I take great pride in running an effective and efficient team. I like to coordinate the moving pieces and pair people together or rearrange assignments to get a better result. Each day I look for ways to improve operations or help my team members grow.
The shadow side of my responsibility talent really stood out to me. Because I am quick to volunteer for assignments and feel the need to complete everything, I often stay long hours at work and am pulled away from my family. I need to improve at setting boundaries so I can maintain a healthy work-life balance.
Maxwell, J. C. (2011). The 5 levels of leadership: Proven steps to maximize your potential (First ed.). Center Street.

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