Assignment 2: 30% PRM 1008 as a Scrum Delivery Professor: Individual/P

Assignment 2: 30%
PRM 1008 as a Scrum Delivery

Individual/Pair/up to Groups of 5
Submission is through Moodle. Only one group member needs to submit on behalf of the entire group. Ensure all group members are listed on the title page.

Name 1:
Student Number:
Email Address:
Name 2:
Student Number:
Email Address:

Name 3:
Student Number:
Email Address:

Only one person from the group needs to submit. All group members must be listed on the title page. All group members will receive the same grade upon evaluation.
You can email me throughout the formation of your assignment for feedback, support, and guidance.
In Assignment 1, we discussed the suitability of converting the PMPD Program Delivery to Agile. In this Assignment, we are going to rework the PRM 1008 course so that it is now delivered in the Scrum Methodology. This requires critical thinking and application of your firsthand knowledge of the PRM 1008 Course.
Your team is going to reformat the delivery of the course into a Scrum Methodology.
Part 1: Introductory Questions /10 Marks
It is up to you to transition the PRM 1008 Program from a waterfall course delivery method to a Scrum Course Delivery method. You need to think critically here; how could this be achieved? Please answer the following questions carefully:
Format: What format does the PRM 1008 take? Is it still a 7-week course? Is it delivered in a flex method or in-person? How many sections will be running? What are the sizes of the section? Your team can also discuss any other changes anticipated to impact the current course delivery.
Project Team: Who is on the project team? Be specific. Are the professors all full time, or can they be part time? Other than Professors, who is on the project team? Will all these team members receive Agile training? When, and what type of training? Be specific your team of 6-8 people.
Client: Who are the clients in this scenario? What would be an ideal number of students in each section of the course? Would the clients need to be collocated? How would the feedback from the client be incorporated into the Scrum process? Be specific.
Iterative Delivery: What benefit(s) could be realized from taking client feedback after every iteration/sprint? Could there be any disadvantages to modifying the next set of requirements after every iteration? Think critically!
Roles: Who takes on each role from the Scrum team? You have 6-8 people on your project team. Explain the role of each team member in detail. Each of these team members will take on roles in Part 3.
Team Member







Part 2: Product Backlog /5 Marks
Take the current course outline form PRM 1008 provided below and reformat it into user stories. Ensure you have included all objectives.
Current Course Outline

Sprint Goal
Sprint Duration
User Stories Addressed

The teach the difference between Agile and Waterfall Methodology
2 weeks
As a student, I want to understand the concepts that make up both a waterfall and agile approach to discern which method would be most appropriate for a project
As a student, I want to understand the advantages and disadvantages of selecting the waterfall and Agile methodology
As a student, I want to understand different types of mainstream Agile Methodologies so that I can choose the most appropriate Agile Methodology for a project

Part 3: The Sprint /5 Marks
Pick one sprint from above. Include the goal of the sprint, the duration of the sprint, the selected use stories to be included in the sprint.
Break the sprint down into tasks, allocate that task to someone from your project team. Be very specific.
Sprint Duration: 2 weeks
Sprint Goal: The teach the difference between Agile and Waterfall Methodology
Selected User Stories for the Sprint:
As a student, I want to understand the concepts that make up both a waterfall and agile approach to discern which method would be most appropriate for a project
As a student, I want to understand the advantages and disadvantages of selecting the waterfall and Agile methodology
As a student, I want to understand different types of mainstream Agile Methodologies so that I can choose the most appropriate Agile Methodology for a project
Task Allocation and Breakdown:
Part 4: The Sprint Review, The Sprint Retrospective, and the Daily Scrum Meeting /5 Marks
Question 1: What is the goal of the Sprint Review? How will sprint reviews be held in this Scrum Course Delivery? Who is part of the Sprint Review? What is the role of each person? Be specific to members on your team.
Question 2: What is the goal of the Sprint Retrospective? When will sprint retrospectives be held? Who is part of Sprint Retrospectives?
Question 3: What is the goal of the Daily Scrum Meeting? When and where will the Daily Scrum be held? Be specific to Cambrian college. Who is at the Daily Scrum Meeting?
Question 4: What could be the potential consequences of skipping a Sprint Review/not adequately performing a Sprint Review? Be specific to the sprint that was discussed in Part 3.
Question 5: What could be the potential consequences of skipping a Sprint Retrospective/not adequately performing a Sprint Retrospective? Be specific to the sprint that was discussed in Part 3.
Part 5: Closing Questions /5 Marks
What factors from the Scrum methodology were difficult to incorporate into the delivery of the PRM 1008 Course? Be specific and provide examples. /1 Mark
What was the most challenging part of this Assignment? Be specific and provide examples. /1 Mark
What was the most interesting part of this Assignment? Be specific and provide examples / 1 Mark
After completing this Assignment, do you still think PRM 1008 is suited for the Agile Methodology, specifically the Scrum Methodology? Explain in detail /2 Marks

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