This is the outline. I have written the points I want to get across, but realize

This is the outline. I have written the points I want to get across, but realize that I need help. I would like help to remove things and add things that sound better and match up more with the prompt below.
I was very specific and know that some things should be rephrased or rewritten in more appropriate writing.
Here is the prompt:
The application essay gives the faculty reader a window into your unique background and interests. The essay should demonstrate your writing (including editing and proofreading) to the best of your ability, without the assistance of others. (Typed, double spaced, and three pages in length.)
1. Please tell us why you have chosen to complete your bachelor’s degree at Antioch University Los Angeles.
In your essay, address the following:
a. If you are applying to the BA in Liberal Studies program, explain which area of concentration best matches your interests and goals. If you are applying to an Applied Studies program, discuss the reasons for this choice, including any background you have relevant to the degree program.
b. Describe one or more past learning experiences that have strongly influenced your current academic and/or career goals. These might include learning in a college classroom or in a non-classroom setting such as a job, community work, military service, travel, or some other life experience.

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