I need you to fix the following two questions (1.06, 2.2) in CIPD course as this

I need you to fix the following two questions (1.06, 2.2) in CIPD course as this is my last time to pass the assessment. Please add the references using APA style and incitation, use your own word and try to avoid plagiarism. Also make sure that the wordcount the remain the same 418 total of both questions. (Note: if you need any further assistance just send me a reply).
Feedback: Marker’s feedback:
AC 1.6 Fail
You have made some good comments here regarding the implementation of rules and regulations however you have not clearly explained how the applications of agreed policies and procedures informs decisions.
Action points:
Please add more content to give examples of how applying policies/ or procedures produces data and insight i.e. evidence to support decision making. For example, consider how evidence from applying a Health and Safety policy at work could result in HR needing to undertake risk assessments and train staff. Consider how applying a training policy for a customer service team could result in better service for end users and support a customer focused strategy.
Feedback: Marker’s feedback:
AC 2.2 Fail
This is on the right track, but just needs to be about you and your working practices.
Action points:
Please summarise two ways that you can be customer focused and standards driven at work in your job. Your customers could be other departments and teams you work with and / or external customers. Write your answer in the first person ‘I’.

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