Standardization Vs. Customization of Products The current generation of consumer

Standardization Vs. Customization of Products
The current generation of consumers is dynamic. The majority of branded hotel chains and multinational companies have the option of standardizing their products and services across the brand in all markets or the option of customizing the products. Customizing imply that the multinational firms opt to let the individual aspects of customizing their products and services according to the needs of the clients while standardizing is the aspect of having a uniform package for all the clients.
The primary benefits of standardization comprise of guaranteeing the clients a consistent experience of the product across different markets globally regardless of the ownership of the particular franchise. The other benefit of standardization is quality management. Standardization of products and services significantly lowers the costs by managing the products. The manufacturing firm spends fewer expenses on producing products in large quantities with uniform characteristics and package them to the consumers. The primary firm that considerably standardized its products is the Coca-Cola
Standardization also has its limits. Standardization significantly lowers the flexibility of the producers to design regional tastes and expectations different from the same product brand in different markets. Standardization ask reduces creativity. The employee is compelled to perform routines tasks using the available inventory.
Customizing Products
On the other technique of customizing products, there are a variety of benefits and limits of customizing products for the clients. The primary advantage is that customization of products helps business target a particular section of clients. Therefore, customizing offers the consumer the ability to taste and select the custom products for the clients. The primary limitation of customizing products is that the technique requires a lot of research and costs a lot of resources to achieve.
Comparing the two processes, standardization of products is the best way of selling goods in international markets. Standardization ensures uniformity of the products. The method also saves the expenses the organization would incur when customizing products.

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