Each student is required to submit an Executive Summary of a web-research report

Each student is required to submit an Executive Summary of a web-research report on a company of their choice,under the following guidelines:
The Executive Summary report shall be in three pages, and shall be substantive, concise, and well written summary of an analysis report on two “noteworthy” Operations and Supply Chain practices of the company
The Cover Page: Shall have only 5 lines: Your Name, Red ID, Course Section, Company’s Name, and the TwoNoteworthy Topics.
The Body: The one-page body of the analysis of our web-research report, shall be single spaced, 12-point font,
and must include:A succinct general information about the company (e.g., description and size of the business, and its sector).
A substantive analysis report on the two noteworthy Operation Supply Chain Management related topics.
Three “Impressive questions” student would ask company’s CEO, if had the opportunity to interview her / him.
The Reference Page: Must include minimum of 5 distinct references.
Please use notable references, not Wikipedia.
Format: Either APA or MLA

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