1. Pick a contemporary art movement that interested you the most this month. <

1. Pick a contemporary art movement that interested you the most this month.
2. Research the movement. Gather images and information on the movement and write down or bookmark the URL of the website where you find them. Use the links below to get you started.
The art movement I have chosen is Minimalism https://www.theartstory.org/movement/minimalism/
4. In your own words, based on research, write the content for your presentation by answering the following questions. Be sure to note your resources as you go so you can cite them in your submission.
What is the origin of this movement?
Identify conditions that were present (socially, economically, and culturally) that can be attributed to this movement’s development. Provide specific examples.
Identify the motivations and purposes of creating art in this style, as stated by notable figures of the movement.
Provide specific examples, using quotes from interviews or statements provided by the artists.
Describe the influence the art movement had from a societal and/or cultural perspective.
Provide specific examples where this movement challenged or changed societal/cultural norms.
Identify the economic impacts of this movement.
What job opportunities were created by this movement? Support this with examples.
Did this movement create new economic opportunities, such as creating products or materials specifically related to this movement?
Has this movement become part of the gallery/fair/auction scene? Provide an example.
5. Assemble your presentation. Your content should be written in your own words. Any images or written content not of your own creation should be cited per the instructions above. You may also access the Research Documentation Guidelines in the Course Resources module. All assignments are subject to plagiarism review by Turnitin.com.
Project Requirements:
Identify Yourself: The introduction should include: Chosen Art Movement, Your Name, and Date
Content: Should address – in detail – the answers to the 4 questions above. Use images and references to support and enhance your content. You can use some quotes if they are cited, however, most of the content should be in your own words.
Images/Visuals: Images and Visuals should be used to support your answers whenever possible. Include at least 5 images of artwork from the movement and at least one image of each artist you feature.
Citations: Cite all of your sources here, including images, articles, and web-based research. Include the title of the article, author, date, and website URL or publisher in alphabetical order.

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