Start with a brief overview of your business: company name and what you are sell

Start with a brief overview of your business: company name and what you are selling (a maximum of 3 sentences). ****provided****
How does your business work? Describe the day-to-day flow of activities necessary to deliver your product or service to customers. Wherever applicable, identify costs. Be sure to address the following, as applicable to your chosen business in the response, using headings:
• Facilities.
♣ Describe the facility, including its location.
♣ Specify whether it is rented or owned; include any associated costs.
♣ Estimate the cost of utilities, such as water/sewer, gas, electricity, and trash removal.
• Production Process/Descriiption of business operations.
♣ Describe the production process (how you will produce the product) or describe how your business will operate if this is a retail or service company.
♣ Identify the equipment, furniture, vehicles, etc. you will use and associated costs.
♣ Explain your approach to quality control.
♣ Explain your approach to inventory, as applicable.
• Personnel Needs
♣ Specify the number of employees you plan to have, including managers.
♣ Identify their roles, wages, and/or salary.
*****Company details are uploaded*****
*****Company Financial information is uploaded. (includes other details) *****
*****For-Profit Startup Company Guidelines document is uploaded*****
*****SWOT analysis document is uploaded***** (if needed)
*****Marketing information is uploaded***** (if needed)
• Textbook Chapter 11, “Operations,” pages 195–224, provides examples, worksheets, and a sample operations plan.
All textbook chapters are uploaded including the source information. Please only use 2 sources and the textbook is required as one of those two. Please do not cite the sources more than 3 times (combined) as this is only two pages. The source must be academic and current within 2 years.

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