In a 5-6 page essay, please answer the following question. You must use referenc

In a 5-6 page essay, please answer the following question. You must use references from at least three chapters from Jessica Taft’s Rebel Girls in your answer.
Question: In past modules, we often spoke of how adults viewed, spoke about or shaped the lives of young people. As the Separation at the Border Documentary makes clear, the tendency to see young people as part of a crisis that adults have to deal with or the tendency to use young people as a tool in larger political struggles has not gone away. But, Jessica Taft’s work shows us that young people are increasingly weighing in on “adult” issues, and can become pretty powerful forces for advocacy in their own right.
In an essay of 5-6 pages explain the advantages and limitations to youth activism. How does age allow young people to mobilize in unique ways? How does it limit to efficacy of their movements. How might other movements benefit from talking to kids instead of talking about kids?
 Paper should have citations. Articles can be cited with last name and page number.
 Papers do not need a bibliography.

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