Follow the rubric and create 4powerpoint slides and make a menu analysis, consid

Follow the rubric and create 4powerpoint slides and make a menu analysis, considerations,new breakfast and dinner recommendations for Waterford senior care following the attached rubric and the attached menu and a additional slide with a reference APA format.
Required criteria
Analyze the menus that the team has selected based on the following criteria and provide rationales for your analysis:
Healthy/unhealthy menuselections with rationale
Does this diet allow fordifferences in dietary
2.Appropriate for nutritionalrequirements of age group with rationale
3.The influence of cultural and regional food practice with rationale
4.Does the menu selected provide adequate amounts ofprotein, fats, carbohydrates,vitamins, and minerals?
5.Over the course of a fullday and week, are individuals provided with a balanced diet?
patterns related to the culture orage?
Includes 6 requirementsfor section.
Includes 3 ormore requirements for section.
Includes 1 ormore requirements for section.
Norequirements for this section present

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