Communication is the grease which makes relationships in organizations run smoot

Communication is the grease which makes relationships in organizations run smoothly, and by extension, directly affects the effectiveness of the organization itself. Communication climate refers to the mood or tone of interpersonal communications and determines in great part how people feel about each other and how they carry out their work activities. Thus, communication climate has a great deal of influence over the organizational climate or general atmosphere of the work environment. Read the following blog about what it is like to work in a defensive climate:
Dukes, A.J. (2012). Defensive v Supportive Climates in the Workplace. Retrieved from
As you can see from this blog entry, defensive climates create a situation where employees do not raise work concerns or communicate their needs. They are careful about what they say and guard their opinions. Frequently they exhibit low motivation.
Supportive climates, on the other hand, encourage employee participation and engagement, an open exchange of information, and constructive conflict. Employees who work in supportive environments often exhibit greater organizational commitment, an attitude cited as highly desirable in Module 1.
The Communication Climate Inventory was developed as a means of measuring the degree of supportiveness and defensiveness in an organization. For this SLP, take the inventory and score your organization’s communication climate using the scale below. Take the Communication Climate Inventory.
Defensive Score
Defensive Score
Supportive Score
Supportive Score
SLP Assignment
Compose a 2- to 3-page blog like the one you read for this SLP, describing the climate in your organization, department, or team. Do not use the actual name of the organization – you can make up a pseudonym. Include the following in your descriiption:
Is the climate supportive or defensive? Does this align with the results of your Communication Climate Inventory? Attach your Inventory results as an appendix. (Note: This appendix requirement will likely increase your paper’s Turnitin similarity score; your professor is aware of this.)
How does the communication climate affect motivation and organizational/team commitment?
How could you improve the communication climate in your organization, department, or team?
What communication skills would you like to learn or improve on in order to create a supportive communication climate?
Be sure to support your analysis with concepts and principles introduced in the background readings on communication as well as conflict and teams (if appropriate). You may also incorporate outside research to supplement the background material. Cite all sources properly.
Required Sources
Apricot Training Management Limited: Self Awareness. (2013) Understanding the Johari Window. Retrieved from
Chapman, A. (2016). Bruce Tuckman’s 1965 Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing team-development model. Retrieved from
Dukes, A. J. (2012). Defensive v Supportive Climates in the Workplace. Retrieved from
Eveland, J. D. (2016). Group Dynamics and Conflict. (PowerPoint Presentation) Trident University International.
Help Guide (n.d.). Conflict Resolution Skills. Retrieved from
Issues teams face: Managing conflict. (n.d.) Retrieved from
Leader Logic. (2018, February 5). Johari Window example in 5 minutes [Video file]. Retrieved from

Leader Logic. (2018, February 8). Johari Window for project scope development [Video file]. Retrieved from
MindToolsVideos. (2015, June 12). Improve your listening skills with active listening [Video file]. Retrieved from
Models of communication. (2016) Wikipedia.
Mottola, G. & Utkus, S. (2009) Group decision-making: Implications for investment committees. Vanguard Investment Counseling and Research. This article can be found at
Swift trust: Why some teams don’t storm. (2011). In Management Pocketbooks. Retrieved from
Tutor2u. (2016, April 22). Lewin’s force field analysis model [Video file]. Retrieved from
Optional Sources
Bacal, R. (2016). Articles on communication and conflict management. The World of Work (2015). Retrieved from
Group Dynamics: Basic Nature of Groups and How They Develop. (n.d.) In Free Management Library. Retrieved from
How to manage Group Conflict (n.d.) In Free Management Library. Retrieved from
International Association of Business Communicators. (2016). Retrieved from
Meyerson, D., Weick, K. E., & Kramer, R. M. (1996). Swift trust and temporary groups. In R. M. Kramer (Ed.), Trust in organizations: frontiers of theory and research (pp. 166–196). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Retrieved from

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