The Assignment: Find four credible sources related to a self-selected research q

The Assignment:
Find four credible sources related to a self-selected research question, evaluate each source’s credibility and authority, summarize the main ideas of each source, and document the influence of the source on your research journey.
The project has three parts: 1) an introduction to your research question, 2) the annotated bibliography itself (which contains four sources w/annotations), and 3) a brief conclusion that synthesizes the research completed and presents your stance on the issue or question.
For each source, you will write annotations using three paragraphs:
Summary of source
Evaluation of the source’s authority and credibility
Reflection on the relevance of the source to your research journey
*Your bibliography must include at least one peer reviewed journal article retrieved through the library databases. No more than two sources may be of the same type. Aim for a variety of types of sources and diverse points of view.
For the Introduction:
In about 350 words, present the question you want to research and show why it interests you, why it is significant, and why it is problematic rather than easy to resolve. Your question should be an open one. This means you do not have a definite stance on the issue, or maybe you have opinions on the issue but you are open to changing your mind upon further research. *You must approve your question with me before starting the bib.
Good templates to help you develop your introduction include the following:
I am personally interested in researching this question or issue because_________________.
The issue I’m pursuing is significant because_____________________.
The issue I’m pursuing is problematic or difficult to resolve in that__________________.
For the Annotations:
• Start each annotation with a Works Cited entry using MLA 8 formatting.
• Write a concise summary of what the source is about. What is the source’s primary argument and supporting ideas? Quote and use MLA citations where necessary.
• Evaluate the source’s level of authority and credibility. What indicators can you point to that makes you trust the credibility and authority of the source? Determine if the source is biased or objective and share your reasons.
• Determine the source’s relevance (applicability) to your topic. Describe how this source contributes to your research.
For the Conclusion:
• Write a full paragraph (or more) and attempt to clarify your thinking and determine where you stand on the issue in relationship to where you started. It is also okay to acknowledge the need or desire for more exploration before taking a definite stance, but be sure to include reasons.

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