Please read the case study titled “A Flood Of Water Consumption Choices” from Ch

Please read the case study titled “A Flood Of Water Consumption Choices” from Chapter No- 1 “Overview Of Marketing”Page: – 24, and 25 given in your textbook/E-book – “Marketing” (8th ed.) by Dhruv. Grewal and Michael Levy (2022) and answer the following Questions:
How does marketing impact the consumption of water, and how has this impact changed since the mid-20th century? (Minimum 250 words)
Describe three distinct target markets for drinking water. How does marketing create value for each of these segments using the four Ps; product price, place, and promotion? (Minimum 250 words)
How has changing societal values impacted the ways in which water is purchased and consumed? (Minimum 250 words)
How has the manner in which you consume water changed in the last five years? (Minimum 250 words) …. Critical thinking Reading required: – Read Chapter 1, and 2carefully and then answer the following questions based on your understanding.
Assume you have been hired into the marketing department of a major consumer products manufacturer such as Nike. You are having lunch with some new colleagues in other departments—finance, manufacturing, and logistics. They are arguing that the company could save millions of dollars if it just got rid of the marketing department. Develop an argument that would persuade them otherwise. Chapter-1. (Minimum 300 words)
You are in the job market and have received offers from three very different firms. Develop a marketing plan to help market yourself to prospective employers. Chapter-2 (Minimum 300 words)
Important Notes: –
Support your answers with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles etc.
You must include at least 4 references.

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