Directions Follow the instructions for Medical Experience [PDF]Links to an exter

Follow the instructions for Medical Experience [PDF]Links to an external site.. Write your medical experience paper and save it as a .doc or .docx file.
Don’t forget to share your paper with the class in the designated discussion forum.
Submit your medical experience paper as an attachment (.doc or .docx) by clicking the Start Assignment button above.
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The paper will be submitted via Turnitin to check for plagiarism. Please find the plagiarism policy in the Course Syllabus. All submitted student papers will be added as source documents in Turnitin reference database for the purpose of detecting plagiarism of such papers in the future.
SUBMITTING A FILE UPLOAD ASSIGNMENT IN CANVASYou may follow the directions on uploading a file as an assignment submission in CanvasLinks to an external site. to submit the assignment.
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Your medical experience paper is worth 40 points toward your course grade. The facilitation of your medical experience paper is worth 10 points, and the points will be added here.
Please refer to the grading rubric below.
BIO 142 Rubric for Medical Experience Paper and Facilitation of the Discussion
BIO 142 Rubric for Medical Experience Paper and Facilitation of the Discussion
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnswered all of the questions and used appropriate anatomical terminology.
36 ptsMeets Expectations
(1) Explain, with appropriate details, the normal anatomy and physiology of the organs/structures that are affected by your chosen medical problem. (2) How is the homeostasis of the anatomical structures and physiological processes affected by the condition? Be thoughtful and thorough as you consider homeostasis. (3) Describe the signs and symptoms of the condition briefly. (4) Discuss any differential diagnoses issues related to your topic. (5) Summarize treatment options. (6) How did this medical problem impact you personally?
0 ptsDoes not Meet Expectations
36 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAvoided obvious grammar and spelling errors.
2 ptsMeets Expectations
0 ptsDoes not Meet Expectations
2 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCited sources including the textbook following APA style.
2 ptsMeets Expectations
0 ptsDoes not Meet Expectations
2 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFacilitated the discussion around your medical experience paper
10 ptsMeets Expectations
(1) Led the discussion of your own medical experience paper by answering questions, or adding information that furthers the discussion period throughout the entire discussion period and adding new information to move the discussion forward. (2) Participated in the ongoing discussion and didn’t leave the discussion until a topic has reached a conclusion.

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