STEP I: Introduction to the Ethical Problem Situation Describe an ethical situat

STEP I: Introduction to the Ethical Problem Situation
Describe an ethical situation that you may have encountered or condition that present you, as the problem solver and decision maker, with the opportunity to decide among alternative courses of action the best solution to the problem (Hint: Pick an ethical situation that needs to be corrected and which has several possible solutions).
STEP II: Problem Statement and Objectives
Once you have described the ethical issue the next step is to develop:
A clear concise definite statement of the problem or situation which is to be analyzed.
The problem statement is followed by a list of objectives that are specific, measurable statements of what you want to accomplish in order to reduce or eliminate the problem
STEP III: Choosing Among Alternatives
Now that you have defined your problem and set your objectives, you can begin figuring out how to solve the problem. In this step identify several different alternatives or means of achieving the objectives.
STEP IV: Recommendation for implementation
Cover Page
Introduction and Summary
1000-1500 (references not included)
APA formatting
Reference Page (3-5) creditable resources, others resources optional

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