The US Department of Veteran’s Affairs 10 sources (APA Style, websites preferred

The US Department of Veteran’s Affairs
10 sources (APA Style, websites preferred)
1) Background
What is the organization?
What does this organization do?
What is the reform or proposed change (please be specific)?
What were the drivers of the change?
Were they internal or external?
What level (individual, group, or organizational) is the change occurring?
2) Leadership:
Who is the current leader of this organization?
Did the events driving the change occur when he/she was in charge?
Based on your research, do they appear to be transformational or transactional? Why or why not?
3) Barriers to Change
What are the environmental barriers to change?
Are resources available to support the change?
Is there consensus on what the goal of the change should be?
How are the organization’s employees likely to respond to the proposed changes? Why might employees resist change?
4) Strategies for Successful Change
Based on the readings for this class, what advice would you give to this organization to successfully implement the proposed changes or reforms?
Specifically, how might a leader overcome the barriers to change that you have identified?

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