Final Essay: Before the third meeting, you will select a

Final Essay:
Before the third meeting, you will select a work by a historian (book lists can be found at the end of each chapter of Major Problems…, others can be chosen with the mentor) and we will discuss it at the third meeting. The best thing is to first select one or two topics you came across in the textbook that you find particularly interesting, then look at the end of that chapter for a couple of books that you would want to read. If you can, go to the library and look at them to decide which you’d prefer, otherwise you will have to pick just based on the title, which is fine in most cases, that is up to you.

If you do not want to choose a book listed in Major Problems, you should pick at least two books (one as a backup) and you must let me know by the second meeting. Once the book is approved, you will write a five-page analysis of that book in terms of the major issues and the author’s argument

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